Decathlon Arlon in Arlon

BelgiëDecathlon Arlon



🕗 openingstijden

99, Rue de Grass, 6700, Arlon, Luxembourg, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 63 24 01 60
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.6384633, Longitude: 5.8861453

opmerkingen 5

  • Saurabh Gairola

    Saurabh Gairola


    Absolutely fab staff. Motivated helpful and professional. I ve to mention Mr Antoine from velo dept. Helped us to understand how to fix port velo. Keep up the good work !

  • mayank sharma

    mayank sharma


    The store is located right across from the IKEA store and houses a good collection for all sport equipments and accessories .

  • I. M.

    I. M.


    Great selection of sports equipment! Nice prices as well, occasionally one can find a really good deal on otherwise very expensive equipment like hiking boots. I visited the store a few times looking for boots, shoes and other equipment for football, hiking, running, martial arts and fitness and found what I was looking for every time.

  • en

    Andrea Schubert


    Very good place for shopping sports items and spotrts wear. Good is that you can buy swimming suits in winter. So you can buy what you need any time of the year.

  • en

    Theodore Saltavareas


    One of my favourite places when shopping for sport accessories and casual/sporty kind of apparel. Vslue for money and a great idea for gifts to friends and family. Members of the staff are super friendly and some of them real sport enthusiasts. Especially in their cycling dpt, I found all the advises I needed as a novice. Special thanks to PF who really knows what he is talking about.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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