De Kleine Kunst de Gent

BelgiqueDe Kleine Kunst



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99, Ferdinand Lousbergskaai, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 9 398 00 72
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.047586, Longitude: 3.739396

commentaires 5

  • Joeri Stroy

    Joeri Stroy


    Nice bar. Great beer selection. Food is good too. Recommend!

  • en

    Severine Manderick


    Great local bar with a fantastic, super friendly owner/barlady. Fantastic music choice. Relaxed atmosphere. And weekly music gigs. They also serve tasty homemade food.

  • Stijn Malfait

    Stijn Malfait


    An amazing and cosy place near the water. Super lovely bosses and veggie food with taste! Good free gigs and some sweet beers. I'd give this 5 stars if it wasn't for Koen VP.

  • Ward Vermaere

    Ward Vermaere


    Friendly bartenders, cosy atmosphere. Small snacks available. Good variation of beers and cocktails.

  • en

    Joa Tao


    Very nice place !! Just for a little drink inside or on the sunny terrace , or sometimes for great concerts, and even more ! Highly recommended

Café la plus proche

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