Dana Dent Smile Design de Hasselt

BelgiqueDana Dent Smile Design



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27, Leopoldplein, 3500, Hasselt, Limburg, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 11 41 24 24
site web: danadent.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.9282694, Longitude: 5.3346141

commentaires 5

  • ناريمان



    I had a great experience with Dr. Mehdi Davoudi for my dental implants procedure. He did an excellent job of explaining the process and preparing me for the procedure. The entire experience was very easy and the results were outstanding, with only minor pain for a couple of hours after the procedure. I Would definitely recommend to anyone thinking about dental implants. Thanks Dr.Mehdi Davoudi and the team!

  • Hamzath Ali

    Hamzath Ali


    I lost my natural tooth in an accident. I went to Dr. Mehdi Davoudi. He has done dental implants for the broken tooth. Now the tooth looks natural and I am completely satisfied

  • Nasir Al Din

    Nasir Al Din


    I wanted to remove my wisdom teeth. Dr. Mehdi Davoudi is one of the best dentists I've been to. I was skeptical before I went for consultation but he made me understand the procedure and assured the right result. However, the results were better than I expected - I highly recommend him for Wisdom teeth removal

  • Abdur Rahman

    Abdur Rahman


    Zeer goede behandeling en service van Dr Mehdi Davoudi en alle professionele medewerkers bij Dana dent Smile design. Ik had een kleine cosmetische baan gedaan op mijn ondertanden. Ik heb eerder die ochtend geboekt en ze hebben het voor mij dezelfde middag gedaan. Zal zeker mijn tandheelkundige werk daar doen

  • Ahmed Harun

    Ahmed Harun


    Ik heb mijn wijsheidstanden verwijderd van Dr. Mehdi Davoudi. Ik heb echt geen pijn gekregen

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