Da Roberto in Maastricht

BelgiëDa Roberto



🕗 openingstijden

1, Adelbert van Scharnlaan D, 6226 EG, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 363 2222
website: www.daroberto.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8459301, Longitude: 5.7274986

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Asma Eltayb


    Best pizza and past❤️

  • Jose Jimenez

    Jose Jimenez


    Good pizzas and cheap prices. Pizzas are homemade and with a good load of ingredients. Pretty nice place to eat good for the same price that going to Mcdonals.

  • Gjalt-Jorn Peters

    Gjalt-Jorn Peters


    Nice cozy pizzeria; make sure to order the homemade thin pizza bottoms. As far as I know they don't serve alcohol (which I guess can be an advantage or a disadvantage 🙂).

  • en

    Sören Karlsson


    + Nice pizza if you like American style (thicker ground than Italien style) + Tiramisu was also delicious + fair price and really fast preparation of the food (less then 8 min waiting time) + very friendly staff and a nice decoration I will go there more often in the exam week I guess ;)

  • en

    Martin Rosenberg


    Very good traditional Italian food. We had pizza quattro formaggi, tagliatelle arrabiata and spagetti tonno. All tasted very good.

Restaurant in de buurt

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