CrossFit W950 de Etterbeek

BelgiqueCrossFit W950


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Chaussée de Wavre 950, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgien
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8254506, Longitude: 4.3987213

commentaires 5

  • Alexandra Juganaru

    Alexandra Juganaru


    Been going for over a year now and I love it. Nice & friendly community, variety in workouts, lots of equipment and materials, plenty of space. The occasional events and outdoor WODs are also a nice touch. Once in a while we’ll do a group workout in Foret de Soignes. Booking classes is done through an app and because the classes are limited to max 16 people, sometimes it can be tricky to book the slot you want. It hasn’t really been an issue though. In one year, it maybe happened to me twice that I wasn’t able to book the slot I wanted.

  • Roberto Virgilio

    Roberto Virgilio


    The instructor and the staff is not very active. I went for a trial class but the coach did not follow me at all, did not explain how to do exercises, just showed a video on a computer, and did non correct me when doing exercises. Also the coach do not motivate to do better at all. The best of crossfit is the motivation and the sharing, here I didn't find them at all

  • Kaitlyn Zaner

    Kaitlyn Zaner


    Best box in Brussels! Friendly staff, very informative and welcoming. Would definitely recommend!

  • fr

    Amaël Hazza Galzin


    Super box, canon et spacieuse, ambiance au top les coaches aident vraiment à dépasser ses propres limites! Je conseille vivement :D

  • Stratos Papadomanolakis

    Stratos Papadomanolakis


    *FRAUD*. They offer 120 Euro for 10 sessions - nice eh? Of course there is a 50 Euro signup charge so that's 170 Euro, still pretty nice. Only that you can only book a class through their app, and there is never a free slot *ever*. Of course, the subscription expires in *three* months. I only managed to get one or two classes in that period. After that, the app kicks you out. They don't respond to emails, they don't answer their phone, I went there but unfortunately the manager was not there :) Oh well, if they don't want to talk to me I'm pretty sure I can find someone else they will want to talk to. I am always amazed by the tricks those crooks come up with!

Gym la plus proche

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