Castello Banfi w Brussel

BelgiaCastello Banfi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

12, Bodenbroekstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
kontakt telefon: +32
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 50.8408111, Longitude: 4.3565425

komentarze 2

  • en

    Een Google-gebruiker


  • en

    Een Google-gebruiker


    Because this restaurant offers no more menu (although it is on the card, it is crossed out with a pen), we were forced to eat à la carte. We ordered two starters and followed it with 2x "Risotto with lobster" as a main course. It was listed on the "primi piatti" card as being @ 26 euros per person. When presented with the bill afterwards, the risotto had magically become a 52 € dish per person. When we said we saw it listed on the card at 26 €, the card reappeard. Indeed: there are two columns on the card. If you take the "primi piatti" as a main course, prices are *doubled* (!). Classic tourist trap behaviour, if you ask me. Especially since most of the secondi (meat and fish dishes) are around 32-37 €. Other than that, the smell of lavatories was all pervading, and the lady who ran the place was complaining to guests next to us that the "quality of the visitors had really declined lately". I wonder why that is. The risotto was not worth 54 €, obviously. Dried out lobster, possibly frozen. Our advice is to avoid this smelly trap like the plague. Instead I can recommend "Bocconi" (at the Amigo hotel, near the Grand Place) instead, where service is impeccable and prices are also rather high but at least reasonable for the quality of the food.

najbliższy Restauracja

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