Carrefour express in Etterbeek

BelgiëCarrefour express



🕗 openingstijden

29, Place Saint-Pierre, 1040, Etterbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 734 29 70
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8376287, Longitude: 4.3958001

opmerkingen 5

  • ghimposul



    I arrived to pock my UPS package yesterday and the shop was closed. Same situation today. No kind of information, just closed. It’s just unbelievable...

  • Richard Kneller

    Richard Kneller


    This review is only about the UPS service, the shop is fine. No UPS after 17:00 which is very frustrating if you work normal hours.

  • en

    Triin S


    I had a terrible experience with withdrawing my UPS package. I went there after work but packages can be received only until 17h!!!! Then I asked whether they were open on Thursday to come the next day in the morning before work (because I had seen their opening hours), and the cashier said of course they are! And as predicted , the next day they were closed and I never got my package because I left Brussels! Never again!

  • fr

    Louis Canzittu


    Même avis que Jean. J'évalue ce CRF uniquement en tant que relais UPS. Pourquoi proposer ce service uniquement avant 17h? Autant ne pas le proposer en semaine mais juste les week-ends.

  • fr

    Jean Tignol


    J'évalue cet établissement en tant que relais "UPS Access Point". Le Carrefour est ouvert jusque 20h mais, après avoir fait le chemin, j'apprends qu'il n'y a plus moyen de retirer son colis après 17h! Autant dire que c'est tout simplement impossible de retirer son colis en semaine si l'on travaille en horaire de bureau... Je me demande si UPS est au courant... Rem.: Avis écrit le 18/01/2018

Kruidenier of supermarkt in de buurt

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