Cabinet dentaire Dentalis de Brussel

BelgiqueCabinet dentaire Dentalis



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Avenue George Bergmann 128 bte 8, 1050 Brussel, Belgique
contact téléphone: +32 2 640 86 78
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8076922, Longitude: 4.3883987

commentaires 5

  • en

    Yasmine Adele Lesire


    Highly recommended, especially for those who usually don't like going to the dentist. Say good bye to your traumas and ask for Brice Redor. In addition of speaking French and English fluently, he will certainly make you feel comfortable. Professional, experienced and passionate about his job. What else?

  • Melanie Paris

    Melanie Paris


    At Dentalis, you don't only get efficient and professional treatment; but also the care and the dedication from the whole team; who doesnt hesitate to go the extra mile for your comfort and health, thinking further to prevent and cure straight to the point; where other dentists just do the correct care.

  • Petr Steiner

    Petr Steiner


    Quick date and perfect care without any unnecessary interventions and medicament. My favorite dentist from now. :-)

  • Pablo Chávez

    Pablo Chávez


    Super experience, très agréable

  • Boulenc Maxime

    Boulenc Maxime


    Un super cabinet ! Une équipe soudé et dédié à ses patients. J'ai été traité par la Dr Loseke et elle s'occupe de mes enfants depuis. Elle est douce et avenante, je la recommande pour tout les enfants.

Dentiste la plus proche

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