Bubble Post in Gent

BelgiëBubble Post



🕗 openingstijden

26, Bijenstraat, 9051, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 9 298 06 01
website: bubblepost.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.021486, Longitude: 3.680667

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Arno Van Hecke


    SLECHT SLECHT SLECHT !!! 0,0 service !

  • en

    A S


    Totally unreliable, does NOT deliver on time and reschedules deliveries at will. Waiting several weeks already for Belgium to Belgium parcel....

  • Patrycja BW

    Patrycja BW


    Company to avoid! Parcel sent 29/06 is still missing ( today date 05/07 ) After contacting client service via FB, I was informed about new status of my two (!) missing parcels. Next day I see new / old update - from delivery rescheduled to being prepared for delivery. And once again same story! If I knew that seller is going to use this company for delivery, I will not buy this products.

  • Guilherme Almeida

    Guilherme Almeida


    One of the worst services ever, avoid them at all cost. My package was reschedule without any warning and after that just not delivered because of "unknown reasons".

  • nl

    Ann Van Cauter


    Bijna altijd mooi op tijd . Uiterst vriendelijke medewerkers.

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