Brussels Police Station in Bruxelles

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

bevestigde gevallen




BelgiëBrussels Police Station



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
30, Rue du Marché au Charbon, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 279 79 79
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8462582, Longitude: 4.3502877

opmerkingen 5

  • Chr. Bronby

    Chr. Bronby


    Je n aime pas du tout cette police .. surtout zone Ixelles.. violent .. propos raciste et aucune compréhension. A fuir.

  • nl

    Pieter Stoop


    Informatie gevraagd mogelijke takelactie. Vlot geholpen in het Nederlands. Auto nadien teruggevonden

  • en

    Lin Helen


    People would go there for help, especially tourists. Ii lost my passport so I have to make file report that I can sent it to embassy. However, they are not helping instead give you hard time if you don’t speak their languages and even make fun of you. It really mean and rude.

  • Tapani Piha

    Tapani Piha


    We lost our phones and wanted to make the declaration for insurance purposes. The service at the police station was pleasant and fast, despite many clients. Police officers spoke French and English while some of the documents were Flemish/French/English, others only in the two official languages. Nothing to complain (I am sure that also the staff would prefer a more modern environment.)

  • en

    Martyna Bołoz


    Our car was stolen. We reported that to a police officer at another police station. At night a woman called that our car was found and to come in the morning to the police station at Rue du Marche au Charbon to get the car. We came and we informed why we came there. Two police officers said in French that "as you are in Belgium you have to speak French". They were very rude. A kind woman who waited in a waiting room helped and translated for us. The police officers claimed that they didn't know about our car and said that we had to call to another police station and ask again about our car. When we went outside, a police officer who was standing in front of the door said that she asked a man who was responsible for cars which were found if he knew something and fortunately he knew. He went with us inside and asked them to write a paper which guarantee getting the car from the parking. The police officers called us and one - the man - started speaking English (so they are able to speak English - if they want to...). He said that to get that documents they needed to write a declaration in French so we had to get someone who can speak French. I asked someone from the waiting room but the police officers didn't agree for that woman... After 1hour I found a person who helped us. We wrote the declaration, got the document and got informed that they took one license plate and sent to a Polish embassy. We went there and they said they didn't get anything. We went once again to that police station to ask if they sent it. Another police officer informed me that they did. I asked if he was sure, he confirmed that. We went to the embassy once again, then we went to a Polish consulate and talked with a consul. He called the police station and asked about the license plate. And guess what! They didn't send it. What is more, the consul translated the declaration which stated that we wanted to write that declaration in French! Finally, we got the car but it took longer and we made more kilometers because of the police officers from this police station. To sum up, if you can choose different police station do it! People inside are very rude, they don't want to help you but make you more problems. However, the woman (police officer) who was standing outside helped us a lot.

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