Brazi's Sandwich Shop in Brugge

BelgiëBrazi's Sandwich Shop



🕗 openingstijden

2, Sint-Jakobsstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 50 49 09 54
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2093376, Longitude: 3.2226586

opmerkingen 5

  • Julian Alves

    Julian Alves


    Tasty sandwiches and Brazilian snacks. If you have never tried before go for the "coxinha", you will LOVE it! Coxinha is a Brazilian snack traditionaly made with chicken and wheat flour. Great service, and very close to main tourist sights.

  • Luke Lamb

    Luke Lamb


    Large selection of sandwiches and snacks. Great place for a Brazilian experience even on a rainy day! Friendly and professional service I will definitely be back especially for the Brazilian Hot Dog.

  • nl

    Marilyn Muylle


    Heel vriendelijk onthaal, en lekkere verse broodjes, super,proficiat 😄

  • en



    The people are incredibly friendly and I loved my panini! The place has a nice Brazilian aura inside and looks great! The food is given in takeaway containers/bags so you can eat it on the go if you want to. The meals are always freshly made and if you have any questions the owners are happy to help you. Overall I just loved the place and i'll certainly go back more often so I can try all their food

  • nl

    Dominique Vermander


    Vers, mooie producten en vriendelijke bediening.

Restaurant in de buurt

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