Brasserie Leopold in Ixelles

BelgiëBrasserie Leopold



🕗 openingstijden

33, Rue du Luxembourg, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 546 18 10
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.839458, Longitude: 4.370646

opmerkingen 5

  • Flora Nkuranga-Gaju

    Flora Nkuranga-Gaju


    When I booked a table, i had a lovely lady on the phone to take my reservation but to be honest, I have experienced such a terrible service that i was speechless. The staff looked overwhelmed with just 7 tables of nearly 2 people on Valentine’s Day. The ambiance is missing some sparkling in the air. Their stress is contagious. I ordered a crepe Suzette and it was cold. I wouldn’t recommend this place nor come back here ever.

  • Bartosz PawÅ‚owski

    Bartosz Pawłowski


    A really cool place :)

  • en

    Stan Profile


    Went there despite a mixed rating. Garlic scampis were fine and the entrecôte was "a point" as asked. The fries were a bit soaked with fat but good enough. Good place for over 40ties as it is quiet and comfortable. Attentive service.

  • Christopher Robinson

    Christopher Robinson


    Very average food, and expensive, which makes for a disastrous quality/price ratio. We were given basic mushrooms instead of porcini as per the menu. That's dishonest, so how could I recommend such a place?

  • en

    David Davies


    Great brasserie for a working lunch or evening meal. I love the Carbonnade Flamande - a good healthy beef stew with Belgian beer. The filet steak is so tender and now they are doing fresh made salads on the terrace - sometimes with the roof open !

Bar in de buurt

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