Bistec in Leuven




🕗 openingstijden

160, Hertogstraat, 3001, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 495 48 65 07
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8596126, Longitude: 4.6994324

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Olivier Duron


    Best steak in town

  • Maria Dzialo

    Maria Dzialo


    Love this restaurant. Not only is the food phenomenal, the service and the owners are wonderful. We loved it so much, we held our small (20 person) wedding reception there. It's a small place so they were not used to such a request, but the owners were incredibly helpful in discussing the meal with us. The house wine is delicious and every piece of meat is cooked to perfection. The charcuterie board was raved about by our guests. I highly recommend this place for a special night out!

  • Joeri Willems

    Joeri Willems


    This is a really nice new steak restaurant. For the first time since 3 owners, this place has people running it who care for the food, and their clients. Their steaks are so fresh, and so well prepared, it's a delicacy to eat. I'm against overconsumption of meat, but when you do eat meat, it's best to do it in the way they prepare it. Delicious. PS When i read a 1-star negative review below, i was really ashamed. Since when is it required to run your restaurant in English? This is a country, people here all can speak English and are willing to help in that language, but do not expect any service to write you in anything else than Dutch. If you don't understand, you can ask. People who only write 1-star reviews should be filtered out, to my honest impression. It biases the real score of a place.

  • Giang Do

    Giang Do


    The booking system of the restaurant was weird. We booked on the website and filled in everything. Then we received an email that we thought it was the confirmation email. We turned up in the restaurant and a woman showing her cold and unfriendly face told me that email had the link I had to click to confirm. Thus, they had no table for us! So complicated as it was in Dutch! This restaurant is for the locals I think. I have no idea about the food but its hospitality was zero in my rating!

  • Christophe Ausloos

    Christophe Ausloos


    Overpriced normal steaks...

Restaurant in de buurt

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