Bastogne War Museum in Bastogne

BelgiëBastogne War Museum



🕗 openingstijden

5, Colline du Mardasson, 6600, Bastogne, Luxembourg, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 61 21 02 20
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.0106065, Longitude: 5.7391977

opmerkingen 5

  • Αγγελική Κοσκερίδου

    Αγγελική Κοσκερίδου


    This is the best military museum I have ever visited. It is situated next to the Mardasson Memorial. The building/exhibition layout is modern and informative and everyone is provided with an excellent automatic audio guide included in the entrance ticket fee (14€). The highlight is the three interactive cinema-theatre areas. Definitely worth a visit!

  • en

    Sumit Srivastava


    This place has historical importance and no one can argue about it. You know that it's a war museum and all you expect from a war museum are old weapons and uniforms. This is what you will see in this museum. Old weapons and uniforms. What makes it a bit more interesting is the recording you are provided. You buy a 14 euro ticket, you get a recording which is synced with the location. The narration is done from 4 perspectives, a kid from the region, a lady, a German soldier, and an American soldier. At every point you go, all 4 of them tell you their perspectives about an event or two. This was a good theme. Then there are wonderful movies to explain and some special effects. I would rate them as very good experience. A great place to start learning about a part of WW2.

  • da

    Erik Nielsen


    Det var en utrolig og interessant og rørende godt fortalt oplevelse mange mennesker i denne verden kunne måske have godt af at få genopfrisket denne frygtelige begivenhed således at det ikke sker igen.

  • da

    Tage Ostersen


    Virkeligt interessant og interaktivt

  • Stig Knudsen

    Stig Knudsen


    Spændende museum om kampene ved Bastogne. Absolut et besøg værd.

Museum in de buurt

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