Aux Gaufres De Bruxelles in Bruxelles

BelgiëAux Gaufres De Bruxelles



🕗 openingstijden

113, Rue du Marché aux Herbes, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 514 01 71
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8462742, Longitude: 4.3545679

opmerkingen 5

  • Luis Galdo

    Luis Galdo


    Good location, and cosy place. But it's expensive and the employees are not too nice sometimes. Also, it gets too crowded without much space between tables

  • Axel Hochkirch

    Axel Hochkirch


    We had nice waffles and hot chocolate, but the price was quite high

  • Brian Hogan

    Brian Hogan


    As we needed to hang out and wait for things to open in the morning this was a great place to grab some breakfast. And they were open!

  • Addie OC

    Addie OC


    Today, I was attended by a female employee of her establishment, who attends the public balcony, she does not know how to respond about the product that is being sold in English, she is a person bitter and badly faced, does not give the job of answering any question, simply gives you the product and she leaves the product as if it were serving food in a prison, no smile, nothing good morning, good afternoon, thank you for your purchase, the simple dispatch of the product. A horrible experience, waitress and waffle maker, she scoffs at customer in her face if she does not understand you. This type of workers leave their restaurant a terrible image to the public. You should improve your staff

  • en

    Ben Cavanagh


    This place is fantastic, it is open till late and serves some of the best deserts I have ever had. The coffee is also delightful. Well worth a visit.

Cafe in de buurt

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