Sakura in Leuven




🕗 openingstijden

21, Muntstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 22 26 28
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8781075, Longitude: 4.7030242

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jef Wauters


    I have tried every sushi restaurant in Leuven and Sakura is the clear winner when it comes to price/quality ratio. The sushi is great at reasonable prices. The downside is the interior, which feels cramped because of a lack of space and windows. For this reason, I love ordering sushi for takeaway from Sakura but rarely eat there myself.

  • en

    Caroline Christiaens


    By far the best sushi restaurant I know of. The food's great, prices are fair and the staff is friendly.

  • Bart van nieuwenhuyse

    Bart van nieuwenhuyse


    Japanese restaurant in city center of Leuven. The woks and sushi's are very good. Decorations could be better to fit a more Japanese style. Prices for food are reasonable, prices gor drinks are prety expensive. Best to reserve up front, certainly in weekends or in evenings.

  • en

    Simon Deberdt


    Very good sushi but the wait was a bit long. This could of course be a one time thing as we ordered right after a large group.

  • en

    Gijs Kuppens


    Good sushi restaurant. It's a little place but it's still Nice to eat. Fair prices

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