Aux Merveilleux de Fred in Bruxelles

BelgiëAux Merveilleux de Fred



🕗 openingstijden

7, Rue du Marché aux Herbes, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 540 26 08
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8480269, Longitude: 4.3521398

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Joe Morris


    Bakery has a small selection of breads but they taste AMAZING! We've gone a few times sometimes there is a small line and other times you can get right in. I recommend the sweet bread it is the best.

  • Stoyan Nedev

    Stoyan Nedev


    If you are in Brussels, you should visit this amazing small bakery. It's very close to the Grand palace. Very easy to recognize, because there is always a long line outside it. It's impossible to not buy something. The staff is very friendly and helpful. I recommend it !

  • Tazbita Tasnim

    Tazbita Tasnim


    Oh my gosh the smell when you walk past this place! It's impossible to not buy something. I am addicted to their little brioche buns and can eat a bagful. They also have magnificent cream and meringue concoctions. This place is a danger to all those who like me have no self control :-).

  • Octavian Ciubotariu

    Octavian Ciubotariu


    Such a pleasant little bakery. Stop in for a quick bite or watch the bakers through the window while they work. There is no seating here, you pick it up and go. They also do custom orders for cakes and more. I was luck enough to enjoy their pastries as they were still warm and they were fantastic. Enjoy!!!

  • Apoorv Singhal

    Apoorv Singhal


    If you are in brussels, do yourself a favor and make sure that visit this amazing bakery. It's a very tiny, unassuming place in the centre of the city, very close to the grand palace. Very easy to recognize, since there is always a line outside it. Although it is very famous for its cakes, do file their chocolate bread a try. It is straight out of heaven. The taste is pure bliss. You have to try it to understand how mind blowing it is.

Bakkerij in de buurt

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